Saturday, February 14, 2009

When You Can't Forget............. Forgive.

Have you ever being hurt or being disappointed by someone?? So much so that it still aches your heart?? Has it happened to you too that you want to forget one whole episode from your life, as if it has never occurred, and that’s when you have realized how sound your memory is??

Believe me; you have got a lot of company. I am sure many of us will have a positive response to these questions in some degree or the other, including me. The life cycle is a parabola. If there are ups there must be down curves too. And then, it becomes difficult to forget the people, the places, and the ‘time’ that lead us to those difficult phases of our lives.

We are very sensitive towards the ones we love and care. When someone with whom we don’t share a close relationship hurts us, it’s easy to forgive. But it's not so when we have been put down by a trusted one. So, it rots in our heart hurting ourselves the most.

‘WHEN YOU CAN’T FORGET………FORGIVE’ and welcome the new life because otherwise, such a feeling slowly turn into negativity inside us, which dampens our abilities and makes us bitter. How can we expect to be forgiven, when we can’t forgive?

Forgiving someone does not mean that whatever
they have done is justified. It just releases them into the God’s hand to do the justice.It relieves us from that baggage. Let’s forgive and live light. Let’s not carry a heavy heart. More so because it also hurts the ones who still care for us. Life has to empty our hands before it can offer us better. Let’s not be so tight fisted that we are unable to receive even love. As a rule the parabola has to rise again.

So now, let’s drive away all the negativity, melt our hearts in love again, and put back our gorgeous smile back to enjoy this journey, where we have met each other, called………… “The Life”. :)

Luv n Luk,



  1. nice post; thought provoking and relaxing at the same time :).

  2. For two whole years i couldn't walk properly, travel in bus properly, climb stairs properly, watch a movie in a theater for 3hours continuously even sleep properly....It was my firm resolution never to forget and forgive you, but, for your blog.... you are forgiven, without, been forgotten.

  3. i totally agree with you pranj..whatz a life with so much of anger and hatered towards a person?you land up spending your life in missin on the good stuffs!!

  4. Thanks for forgiving me Arvind.... :) and never ever forget me!!! :)

  5. hey buddy!!! u r just 2 much in penning down right thots in rite words as alwez... :)m soooo proud of u...:)

  6. Hey surbhi welcome to my blog... Thanks a sooo glad you liked my thoughts :)

  7. Can't agree more with u! But the way u explain it is awesome...cud cnvince sm1 who wasn't willing to forgive too! Great Work!:)

  8. Thanks Astha :) I am so happy that you have appreciated my writing :)
