Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hi everyone! :) Usually I write on weekends, but this one comes mid-week!!! It’s about a feel I experienced yesterday that I want to share, which is – WHAT IT IS TO ENTERTAIN???!!! :)

Yesterday we organized a fund raising ‘FUN-FIESTA’ in our college campus, for the treatment of an eight year old poor patient who suffers from ‘Infantile malignant osteopetrosis’, under the brilliant guidance of our Head of the Department. The event was a huge success both with the revenue generated and with the overwhelming response we received. But it’s not about the event’s success that I want to share today.

Today I want to share how it feels to give people an opportunity to have a great time. That, at least for some time, they forget their worries and break free. :) The event had dozens of stalls which included game stalls, food stalls, juke box and much more. There was laughter and giggle all over, there were youngsters exchanging roses, playing dedication music in the air and carrying delight in the hearts. :)

Concluding the event was a movie screening. Since I was still winding up the stalls outside, by the time I entered the movie hall; the movie had already been started. As I entered from the rear door I saw a huge crowd engrossed in the movie. That’s when I realized what’s ‘collective emotion’ is all about. We were all distinct from one another but we were floating on the same emotion. When we laughed, we all shared the laughter; when we were excited, we all shared the thrill; and on a sad scene we all the shared the disappointment!!! It was like this invisible thread tying all the pearls together. Looking over was mesmerizing. I felt immense satisfaction and joy over the fact that I had my own little role in providing so many people a memorable time……… :)

There I was sitting in the last row and a realization struck me. From where I was, I could only see a few hundreds of shadow hooked on the well lit, the so called “silver screen” lost into the story being told, forgetting their own momently. The realization was having a feel of being a part of entertaining people or as they put it ‘The Entertainment Industry’. When giving a few hundred people a cherished time gives this immense joy, I could only sit there and wonder the amount of happiness, the real entertainers of the industry like actors, musicians, must derive out of their work. They entertain millions!!! Of course not to forget that the money they derive is also in millions….!!! :)

Hats off to the souls, who provide us with an opportunity to break free in this stressed lifestyle, and who put in their hard work to entertain us. Yes, they make money but then can you really attach a price tag on your joyous moments???? :) :)

Luv and Luk,



  1. Hi Aditi :)

    Thanks a lot... yes as you said inspite of all of us getting muscle cramps and bodyaches,(in fact, my co-pg had a school camp the very next day!!) we were so satisfied with the conclusion of the event that we did not mind that a bit. Your comment reminds me donating blood for a child patient at Narayana Hridalaya for his heart surgery. Later when I visited him, the feeling was so amazing that I cannot explain.

    and haan the movie screened was 'Slumdog Millionare' :)

    wish you a very happy weekend :)

  2. yup! same to you doctor Pranjal :)
