Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Setting Sun.....

Its end of February and days are becoming hotter day by day. But Coorg being a hilly area cools down quickly after sunset and the change is so dramatic that watching over the setting sun becomes all the more pleasurable. Its sun set time and I was leaving from college when I saw a jeep crossing me riding towards the sunset point near our college and decided that after my hectic day this is how I am going to unwind. It will not be my first visit to this point but every time I come over here the joy has always remained the same.

So I took the road uphill enthusiastically and reached the spot.  First thing I noticed was that there was still sometime before sunset. There were few boys sitting around having a sort of picnic and a family taking snaps of them with the view. I parked my bike sat over and tuned in to my lucky ali’s playlist. The view has the whole of town with its varying shades on the showcase. There are children playing in a far off ground, workers returning from farms and street lights slowly getting illuminated…. And this ‘hulchul’ of life is surrounded by the silent lush green landscape till our view is limited by lofty mountains to which the sun is fast approaching….. as the cool breeze enveloped me, it consumed all my tiredness and the thoughts that were striking my soul slowly metamorphose towards being more philosophical…!!!! What’s the secret about witnessing a sunset that brings out the philosopher in us????

Is it the visual confirmation and experience of finding near ending of a day which has been lively, full of activity, testifying ‘life’ by slowly curling into silence and darkness with an uncertainty of what comes next??? Is there a similar logic at work in making us philosophical (or religious) as we grow old and near our end of this journey!!!!!??? Or is it just our biological clock…..!!!!

I guess it’s a mix of both…. Being humans, in every conclusion we look  back and contemplate as to how much we gained and what did we lose… a setting sun brings that conclusion to our biological clock… it makes us ponder on what choices we made and how well did we walk  our course… and I think it is a very vital natural process embedded in us…..

Each day we should be asking ourselves a question: Will I be still doing this today if it was the last day of my life??!!!

And if the answer is “NO” continuously for many days we should know that something in our lives needs to CHANGE. Such an exercise will make us follow our heart, will prevent us from living someone else’s life and will gift us a life which we would like to live again and again…. the same way :) :)

This setting sun has enriched me with a tool. Hopefully I will continue to follow my heart in my journey and I pray the same for you…………

Luv n Luk,


  1. true.. sun set is d time were we unwind our self.. d mind becomes free and so our thoughts ... its too refreshing

    keep blogging pranjal .... :)

  2. @Vivs: so well put vivs when you said that it frees our mind & thoughts... :)
    yup will try and keep writing, but you know our
    schedule these days right!!!! Thanks for stopping by... :)

  3. Good to find you blogging again pranjal. Yes sunsets do bring out the philisopher in us. Probably because it is the triumph of hope over everything else. Most importantly, hope itself is a transient feeling; like the colours of the setting sun set which would'nt be so beautiful if it lasted for ever. And probably the hope of a new dawn adds to its beauty.

    Deepesh S.

  4. Hey Deepesh Thanks and good to see you here too :)
    You made a lovely point by mentioning about the momentaneous aspect of the sunset with its rapidly changing shades over the horizon :) And as everything (or atleast most things) in life it wouldn't be so beautiful if it lasted forever........ :):)

    So true and well put....

    keep visiting buddy :)

    Luv n Luk.

  5. true Pranjal, every natural phenomenon is so philosophical if u look for it.. sun set is one of my most favorite sights, esp when the sun is sliding behind a mountain or sinking into the ocean. it always reminds me that nothing in life is indispensable, life goes on, no matter what..
    and life IS beautiful..

    best wishes :)

  6. They say hindsight is 20/20.....everything looks clearer retrospectively. If we learnt to regularly spend a few sunsets with our lives spread out before us, it will undoubtedly be a good thing...leaving us with not only a clearer view of who we are, but giving us a better perspective of what makes us beautiful!

  7. @ Meru:
    so true mam, they say the shortest way to describe life is in three words, that "life goes on"!! :) and i agree no matter what it is life that makes everything else beautiful :)

    thanks for wishes mam, n my dearest regards for you... Let's have a fulfilling life :) :)

    Luv n Luk :)

  8. @Dinesh: so true dinesh :) its a necessary component of our soul's nourishment..... :)

  9. @Punit: so true, that spot is really mesmerizing :) specially watching the sunset over rejuvenate us :)
