Saturday, March 28, 2009

How the food I eat makes my teeth stronger??

We must have healthy food for our teeth to develop properly. Minerals like calcium, phosphorous, fluoride and many other components included in a healthy diet are vital in the development of our teeth. We also need good food for healthy gums around the teeth. A vitamin deficiency (like Vitamin C deficiency) causes huge damage to the health of our gums.

Equally important is the fact that foods high in certain sugars (Sweets) may make our teeth more prone for decay. It is not only the amount of sugar but also the frequency, form, timing and foods that we have with the sweets are the factors that determine how much our teeth are at risk to decay.

Essentially we should keep the following facts in mind:

• More the frequency of sugar (sweet) intake; higher the teeth are at risk. Thus to minimize the bad effects of sugar on teeth we must restrict ourselves from in between meal snacking with sugar products. We should substitute the sugar snacking with ‘tooth friendly snacks’ (eg cheese, nuts, raw vegetables, unsweetened yogurt, bananas) or with non-sugar sweetened foods(bulk sweeteners like sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol).

• The least threatening is the sweet in liquid form (eg a sugared milk shake, pudding, custard, sherbet) as it is readily cleared from our mouths. Then is the sugar in solid & sticky state (eg cakes, pastry, jelly, caramel) and most threatening form is slowly dissolving (breath mints, hard candies, cough drops, antacid tablets) sugar containing products.

• Having sugar with our meal makes it least risky for our teeth and thus should be encouraged over in between meal intake.

• Having cheese or milk (without sugar) with decay producing foods has been shown to reduce their ability to damage our teeth.

• Exposure to mineral fluoride during developmental and maturation stage of teeth has prominent tooth strengthening results against decay.

Xylitol containing chewing gums too have proved their protective role against tooth decay.

So keep these basic facts in your mind and help your teeth fight against decay. Remember to visit your dentist at least once in six months. Ask his professional advice as to how can you improve your diet and enjoy benefits in both your general and dental health.

Luv n Luk,
Smile ConfiDentally,

Dr. Pranjal Sharma.

What is Healthy Diet???

Very often in my schedule a question similar to this one comes up- What food is good for my teeth?? Can I eat chocolates, Ice-creams, Cakes etc without damaging my teeth?? What makes a healthy food??

So let us discuss these questions one by one in the coming posts, starting from the question- “What is healthy food?”

We are what we eat. Thus having a healthy diet will render us healthy. Healthy food is one that includes the following major food groups in your every day meal:

• Fruits and Vegetables;
• Breads and Cereals;
• Milk and Dairy Products;
• Meat, Fish and Eggs.

There should be adequate amount and proportion of all these food groups in our diet. Our diet should include nutrients adequately met for maintaining health, vitality & general well being & also makes provision for a short duration of leanness.

Food pyramid gives us a pictorial representation of food groups that should be included in Balanced Diet or Healthy Diet. This new food pyramid also includes exercises to emphasize its importance.

So now make sure you include all food groups in proper proportions and enjoy a new yourself from healthy food habits.

Luv n Luk,

Smile ConfiDentally, :)

Dr Pranjal Sharma

The food pyramid shown here is sourced from this link-- 'Food Pyramid shown here'

Friday, March 27, 2009

Smile ConfiDentally!!! :)

Hi friends,

I pray that this post of mine meets you in joy, love and peace. Sharing my thoughts and ideas through this blog has been an amazing experience so far and I am very sure our pleasant vibes will take us a long long way. I heartily thank you for all your interest, appreciation, ideas and feedbacks and it’s my continuous endeavor to come up to your expectations. Being a dentist professionally, I take it as my personal obligation and responsibility to increase awareness and educate towards a healthier smile – the expression of joy!!!; which is undeniably the most beautiful human expression. The idea of utilizing this platform is taking shape much to the credit of my friends Mr Mihir Shah, Dr Priyanka Nadig, Dr Aditi Tiwari, Mr Chirag Patni, Ms Megha Raina and my brother Dr Dhruv Sharma. It is their constant encouragement and belief that has convinced me that sharing my expertise on this portal is a realizable idea. Also, this initiation is very close to my heart as it is due to my recent learnings at my institute(Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences), where I am currently pursuing my masters, and the enchanting teachers that we have been blessed with has made me able enough to share my knowledge in this domain. It is to all my teachers (of dentistry & life) that I dedicate this effort. It is my prayer that may this learning never halts and the joy of knowledge continues to fascinate me forever.

Now, there are some questions about diet & snacking which are very frequently asked in our dental set-up. So to start with I will be coming up with a series of posts in an attempt to answer these queries. I will be giving a bird’s view with as simple as possible explanation towards these FAQs. However you are heartily welcome to interact related to the topic through the ‘thoughts’ window with your queries, experiences & ideas.

Luv n Luk always,
Smile ConfiDentally :)

Dr Pranjal Sharma.

Whenever You Fall........pick something up!!

Life is a parabola. Thus whenever we rise, our fall is destined. Whenever we enjoy a smooth speedy ride, bumpy roads are an inevitable package. So how is it that, apart from struggling our way back to the main highway, we can make the tough times worth experiencing & “fruitful”??? The answer lies in this one line – ‘Whenever you fall, pick something up’.

Every bit of scrambling we go through in our lives often presents us with its revelations which we must consciously look to pick up. It is like the vigorous stirring of milk giving us cream or the ‘manthan’ of ocean awarding with ‘amrit’.

Identifying the silver lining of a situation helps us in many ways, especially psychologically. First it gives us the courage to keep the fight on against our circumstances. Second, it gives us the understanding of the purpose behind the state of affairs. Third, and most importantly, in the hindsight it gives us confidence & self belief of pulling out from troubled waters by actually gaining from it!!! Our fear against tough times sublimes. We acknowledge that our encounter with ‘not so good times’ will also enrich our lives & thus it should be seen as an opportunity. As they say – “Every problem is an opportunity turned upside down.”

So next time whenever you feel you are having a deep dive into a dark sea, remember to pick the pearls up…..! & live up the jubilation.

Luv & Luk


Photo 2: ATHENS, GREECE - AUGUST 28 Kanu Olympische Spiele Athen 2004, Athen, Kanu Rennsport Kajak K1 500m Maenner, Adam van KOEVERDEN CAN - GOLD - 28.08.04, (photo by Martin Ross)

Photo 4: SINGAPORE Fans' reaction during Arsenal vs Man Utd game. Man-U fans in jubilation after scouring the first goal